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This Mastodon server is for the use of podcasts on the Relay FM network.

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These are the most recent public posts from people whose accounts are hosted by

Connected #528: Subpoenaerabable

With @viticci away, @ismh86 and @imyke talk about video games.

Nah, just kidding. Instead, they ponder the future of Google and of social media, consider what maple syrup can do to an iPhone, and discuss Apple's AI summarization features.

Relay FMConnected #528: Subpoenaerabable - Relay FMWith Federico away, Stephen and Myke talk about video games. Nah, just kidding. Instead, they ponder the future of Google and of social media, consider what maple syrup can do to an iPhone, and discuss Apple's AI summarization features.

Is Apple trying to boost revenue by truly embracing smart home products, or is it too late? Also, Jason reviews Kindles while lamenting the current state of e-readers, and Vision Pro gets new accessories and a music video!

Upgrade+: Bluesky's moment. (Get longer, ad-free episodes at

Relay FMUpgrade #538: A Lot of Mac in Your Face - Relay FMIs Apple trying to boost revenue by truly embracing smart home products, or is it too late? Also, Jason reviews Kindles while lamenting the current state of e-readers, and the Vision Pro gets new accessories and a music video by The Weeknd!

Mac Power Users #771: Beauty & Friction

On this feedback episode, David and Stephen talk about the M4 family of Macs, their RSS setups, and recent updates to some of their favorite apps. Then they discuss some listener feedback and their home networks.

Relay FMMac Power Users #771: Beauty & Friction - Relay FMOn this feedback episode, David and Stephen talk about the M4 family of Macs, their RSS setups, and recent updates to some of their favorite apps. Then they discuss some listener feedback and their home networks.